Naish Jet HA Carbon Plane

339000 Ft -tól

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

Foil felület

  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    640 cm2 339000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    840 cm2 345000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    1040 cm2 349000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    1240 cm2 369000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    1440 cm2 379000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    1640 cm2 385000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    1840 cm2 399000 Ft Nincs raktáron
Skill Level:  Novice to Advanced The newly developed Jet High Aspect foils have been...több
Naish Jet HA Carbon Plane

Skill Level: Novice to Advanced

The newly developed Jet High Aspect foils have been engineered for maximum efficiency and performance. They feature an increased leading edge area allowing for narrower foil sections, resulting in improved glide and stability. The strategically designed wing tips offer exceptional speed, pumping efficiency, and turning ability. The combination of these elements results in a maneuverability that has never been seen before with HA foils. The slight rake angle reduces drag while providing more control and improved lift during turns. This new design also allows the foil to breach the surface without interrupting laminar flow. The new features on the Jet HA provide an optimized experience that allows riders to foil with ease, making it ideal for all types of riders regardless of skill level. The Jet HA offers an optimal balance between stabilization and performance that ensures smooth handling on any type of wave or swell.

Sportág: Wing
Felület: 640, 840, 1040, 1240, 1440, 1640, 1840
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