Naish Hover DW Nvision

885000 Ft -tól

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek


  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    7' 9 1/4" x 18 1/2" x 110.0 L 885000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    7' 10 7/8" x 20 1/2" x 125.0 L 905000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    8' 4" x 22 1/2" x 140.0 L 925000 Ft Nincs raktáron
An ultra lightweight construction and superior performance characteristics make the Hover DW...több
Naish Hover DW Nvision

An ultra lightweight construction and superior performance characteristics make the Hover DW Nvision the ultimate weapon in your downwind adventures, for experienced foilers who demand nothing less than innovative excellence. The sleek and narrow outline achieves optimum glide and amplified momentum for a seamless approach to DW foiling. Fine-tuned rocker lines, in conjunction with waterline efficiency and altered volume distribution provides great acceleration and ease of operation when using smaller foils- finding that ‘sweet spot’ is effortless. Constructed with biax carbon + wood sandwich for an extremely light weight profile, while the stance area is reinforced with extra strength. The beveled rail design minimizes footprint on touchdowns and flat center bottom shaping paired with a double concave nose increases stability and take-off efficiency. The R&D team here at Naish have tried and tested the Hover DW Nvision for necessary quality insurance and are proud to vouch for it in all conditions; from dead-flat water to all wind chop intervals to extreme light-wind for winging. For an insanely high performance DW board that will excel in any condition, harness your potential with the Hover DW Nvision- the ultimate lightweight weapon. *Please note, due to this board’s superior lightweight construction, damage can occur if not handled with care. Refrain from direct impact where possible.

Size pictured is a 125L. Please take note of the specifications table for exact dimensions of your selected size. Not all sizes have exactly the same shape.

Streamlined Outline
For optimum glide and heightened momentum characteristics.

Optimized Shaping
Fine-tuned rocker lines, altered volume distribution and waterline efficiency adjustments for acceleration and ease of operation with smaller foils.

Ultra Lightweight Construction
Biax carbon + wood sandwich with reinforced strength in stance area, crafted to avoid heavy paint and extra sand finish. Handle with care.

A durable, lightweight and high-traction pad.

Long Track Boxes
For alternate foil positioning and different riding styles. Universally compatible with other foils.

Bevelled Rails
Bevelled rail design to minimize the footprint of the board in touch downs, offering faster acceleration.

Deszka típusa: Merev
Box: Twin Tracks
Térfogat: 110 liter, 125 liter, 140 liter
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A * csillaggal megjelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

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