F-One DW 210 HM Stabilizátor

DW 210 HM Stabilizátor
95000 Ft

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

Méret (cm)

  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    210 cm2 95000 Ft Személyesen azonnal átvehető üzletünkben!
    Kiszállítás esetén kb. 1-3 munkanap
Astoundingly thin and flat, the DW210 HM stabilizer was built for speed. Its high aspect ratio...több
F-One DW 210 HM Stabilizátor

Astoundingly thin and flat, the DW210 HM stabilizer was built for speed. Its high aspect ratio will offer incredible glide at high speeds and will help you stay up and flying above the water endlessly. This stabilizer will not only optimize your velocity but also your pumping efficiency and will help you keep your momentum.

  • Unmatched glide
  • Perfect for speed and downwind
  • Thin and optimized design for minimal drag
  • Efficient pumping

The High Modulus Carbon fiber layup used for this stab leads to even more rigidity and dependability that will propel you to incredible performances in each session.

The DW210 HM is best used with our EAGLE front wings to get the most speed and downwind performances out of your hydrofoil.

Sportág: Wing
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