Manera EXO Windsurf&Kite deréktrapéz S

EXO Windsurf&Kite deréktrapéz S
44250 Ft 59000 Ft * (25% kedvezmény)

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MULTI USE Infos & Characteristics The EXO harness has been developed to optimize load...több
Manera EXO Windsurf&Kite deréktrapéz S


Infos & Characteristics

The EXO harness has been developed to optimize load distribution and thus prevent the rider from having misplaced pressure points.  This is why we worked with a human kinetic science lab to help us on this project.

Their scientific approach and knowledge of human morphology enabled us to create a harness providing a level of comfort that was previously nonexistent.


  1. Energy Dispersion Frame:
    The EDF is a hexagonal structure with varying degrees of thickness. It is directly connected to the spreader bar through the straps and buckles so it receives 100% of the kite traction. Thanks to its shape and structure, the pressure is spread over a much wider area of the back.
  2. Ballistic nylon:
    This material is made out of thick nylon threads assembled in a very tight way, it offers outstanding abrasion resistance and extreme durability.
  3. Single Foam:
    The new EXO uses a single thermoform mould to make a one-piece foam backing. It absorbs far less water and is much lighter than the multiple foam layups used in some harnesses.
  4. Tuck flap:
    By stiffening the connection between the harness and the buckle, they prevent it from riding up.


Energy Dispersion Frame

The EDF is a hexagonal structure with varying degrees of thickness. It is directly connected to the spreader barthrough the straps and buckles. 
Thanks to its shape and structure, the pressure is spread over a much wider area of the back and responds better, continuously, and more smoothly. 

By being less concentrated on a small area of the back, the EDF protects the user and avoids any unwanted muscular effort to offset the bad traction.


Single Foam

Comfort is paramount in any harness; the UNION uses a single injection mould to make a one-piece foam backing. This makes it exceedingly durable, as there are less parts to be glued or stitched together. It absorbs far less water and is much lighter than the multiple foam layups used in some harnesses.


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