Tabou Rocket Plus MTE 2025

619000 Ft 779000 Ft * (20,54% kedvezmény)

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

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THE BEST FREERACE PERFORMANCE Enjoy peak freerace performance and effortless...több
Tabou Rocket Plus MTE 2025


Enjoy peak freerace performance and effortless control with the completely redesigned Rocket+, blending exhilarating speed with refined handling and versatility across all sizes.
With its low entry rocker, the Rocket+ delivers early planing power and exceptional control, even when racing through overpowering winds and choppy waters. The enhanced front V ensures smoother handling in challenging conditions, while the addition of a slight V in the tail enhances stability at high speeds, giving you the confidence to push harder. 
The increased volume in the tail and rounder deck near the rear foot straps improve stability and comfort, especially during high-speed runs. Tail cut-outs reduce wetted surface, increasing efficiency and allowing you to reach impressive top speeds. All while remaining the same easy jibing characteristics that have made the Rocket+ stand out for years.
Multiple foot strap positions cater to riders of all levels, with advanced riders benefiting from the outermost setup and intermediates finding balance with a more centered stance. The 103-liter model now features a Tuttle Box, while the relatively wide tail and reinforced Deep Tuttle Box on the 113 and bigger ensure compatibility with foils, making the Rocket+ a versatile choice for fin and foil setups.
Whether you’re navigating through chop, racing at top speed or soaring above the water with a foil, the all-new Rocket+ delivers performance and control that will leave you exhilarated.
Konstrukció: MTE
Stílus: Freeride, Windfoil
Térfogat: 103 liter, 113 liter, 123 liter, 133 liter, 143 liter
Tudásszint: Haladó, Profi
Szkeg: Deep Tuttle
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A * csillaggal megjelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

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