K4 Bubble Fin 20 US Box

Bubble Fin 20 US Box
19000 Ft

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

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A great front fin for riders who want maximum area and hold, but don't want to use the Ezzy...több
K4 Bubble Fin 20 US Box

A great front fin for riders who want maximum area and hold, but don't want to use the Ezzy asymmetric. They work well for all configurations. Even for those who choose to use front and rear fins of very similar size (e.g. 12 front, 14 rear)

Flex : medium 

The K4 fins are a unique product in the world of windsurfing, they are made using composite polymers with a high degree of engineering with a maximum load of high modulus fibers. The performance of these fins is exceptional in terms of flex, reflex, lightness and resistance to damage. Compared with the classic G10 fins, these fins are lighter and have a superior reflex.

Dynamic Flex

Classic K4 material with black logo, produces flex and works when pushed hard allowing fast and powerful turns. Its ability to flex and return to its original shape from insane grip to attacking extreme angles for epic turns and big full-speed cuts. The Flex makes snap & pivot maneuvers and slide maneuvers like takas easier.

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