Naish Carbon Kevlar Wave Vario Evező

249000 Ft

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

Our highly durable and light weight monocoque paddle with the perfect flex for surfing.The...több
Naish Carbon Kevlar Wave Vario Evező

Our highly durable and light weight monocoque paddle with the perfect flex for surfing.The shaft blade combo provides a slightly softer flex pattern combined with high durability needed in surf conditions. With UD carbon and Kevlar featured through the shaft, combined with the 3K carbon blade this paddle provides the flex needed for enhanced balance and quick transitions alongside heightened durability and impact resistance. Designed to take a beating, the Kevlar wave offers the ultimate balance between strength, durability and performance. Includes blade cover.

Size: 85 / SDS

Diameter: SDS

Paddle length cm : 173 - 221

Surface area cm: 548.0

Konstrukció: Carbon-Kevlar
Terméktípus: SUP evező
Méret (cm): 85 cm
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