Naish Carbon Kevlar Downwind Evező

185000 Ft

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek

Our designated paddle for downwind foiling and SUP is packed with maximum power capabilities...több
Naish Carbon Kevlar Downwind Evező

Our designated paddle for downwind foiling and SUP is packed with maximum power capabilities while remaining structurally resilient, unified for the ultimate weapon in assisting your downwind adventures. Designed as a vario paddle enabling versatile performance across the board, the paddle can be adjusted individually to achieve shorter lengths when opting for a faster stroke-rate, or lengthening when up on foil. The improved blade shape features a multi-concave design, harnessing optimal paddle power to aid your initial flight. The paddle’s UD / 3K Carbon and Kevlar prepreg construction warrants reinforced stiffness in the shaft and blade, protection from the force of downwind strokes and damage upon accidental contact with the foil or rails. Whether you’re downwind foiling or SUPing across the channel, the Carbon Kevlar Downwind Vario SUP paddle is the ideal choice for those intent on capitalizing speed and performance during action.

Size: 110

Paddle length cm : 173 - 221

Konstrukció: Carbon-Kevlar
Terméktípus: SUP evező
Méret (cm): 110 cm
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