Naish ALANA 80 Evező

159000 Ft -tól

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek


  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    80 cm 159000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    80 cm (3 pieces) 209000 Ft Nincs raktáron
WOMEN'S ALL-AROUND With easy adjustment, lightweight and perfect alignment, the Alana paddle...több
Naish ALANA 80 Evező


With easy adjustment, lightweight and perfect alignment, the Alana paddle provides unmatched performance and versatility. Utilizing UD & 3K Carbon for the blade and shaft grants a nice balance between stiffness and flex-curve providing just the right amount of energy absorption for anything from racing and touring to wave riding or general cruising. Durable and comfortable, the Alana is a “do-it-all” design that is long-lasting and gentle on the joints.

Alana paddle extension starts lower than other models. The overall size fully open is 3 inches shorter. It is 84”  max length versus regular 87”.

Size: 80 / RDS

Paddle length cm : 173 - 221


Lightweight UD and Alutech Carbon Shaft
Provides the best weight and stiffness at a great price.

High-Gloss Finish with Traction Grip in Lower Hand Area
Glossy finished shaft with a traction grip to prevent your lower hand from slipping.

Tahitian Style T-Handle with Traction Grip
A simple, yet effective handle to suit any paddlers needs.

Pressure Cleat with Seamless Length Adjustment
The length of the paddle can be adjusted seamlessly allowing you to choose the length you decide on the go. The vario handle will always be in perfect alignment with the anti-twist system.

Konstrukció: Aluminium
Terméktípus: SUP evező
Méret (cm): 173-221 cm
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