F-One ROCKET Surf (Strapped)

439000 Ft -tól

Az árak tartalmazzák az ÁFA -t. Szállítási költségek


  • Méret Ár Szállítási idő
    4'2 - 28 L 439000 Ft Nincs raktáron
    4'6 - 33 L 455000 Ft Nincs raktáron
Specifically designed for surf-foiling, the Rocket surf range has all you need to make the most...több
F-One ROCKET Surf (Strapped)

Specifically designed for surf-foiling, the Rocket surf range has all you need to make the most of your foil.
Rockets are built with a light and tough bamboo sandwich laminate around a lightweight EPS core, thereby achieving a great resistance to weight ratio and a great performance while riding and pumping around.


-Foil exclusive surf-foiling
-Easy take-off and maximum freedom in flight
-Equipped with Twin-Tracks system


-4'2"  / 128 x 48.5 cm / 28 L
-4'6"  / 138 x 49.5 cm / 33 L

Kapcsolódó linkek "ROCKET Surf (Strapped)"
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